the holiday is over, despite the incredible summer we are having it is now February and time to get back to work, time for regular friday round ups again. I'm sorry for my slackness, I offer a few excuses.
- I am hot, tired and grumpy - I'm thinking "how did I cope with this heat in Sydney?" oh that's right they don't have the 99% humidity that we have here. Flash is forgiven for buying that portable aircon unit.
- in-laws visited, need I say more? ok well I won't out of respect for my husband.
- Ravelry - I check in, see what you guys are up to, add my WIPs, comment a bit...and forget to blog.
- my job, I love my job - but there are parts I struggle with in a "social policy" kind of way, can't say any more than that.
Ok, that's the bits that are slowing me down, on the other hand I am enjoying the quiet and lack of mess and housework in my life at present since Maria moved in with her boyfriend (breathe Justine) and Charlotte went flatting with a friend from tech. Blaise and I are spending a lot of time together, browsing bookstores and drinking coffee - loving this bonding time, I've never had her all to myself before.
there has been knitting:

- I'm working on a trio of little girly things - the theme is "cherries", I've finished the first, the second is on the needles, the third still only on paper, each is very different from the next - but the cherries unite them.
- the second sidewinder sock is still sitting in my bag, I have started it though.
-I'm halfway through a little pile of washcloths, using the elegant Linnet yarn, I love knitting this yarn, it is harsh but I know that when it hits the water it will be like silk, it is so cool to knit in this heat, and I feel so connected with a simplicity of life and a need to make utilitarian objects. I cast on 30 sts, work 50 rows garter st, 4 rows stst, then 4 rows garter st and cast off, then sew a lenth of linen ribbon along the stst section, ending with a little loop.
The ribbon is my favourite.

- Knit Rangers this sunday! click the link for more details.
- damn I missed my 3rd bloggiversary
- yes the cat is fine, still OCD but gorgeous.