This has gone

These have gone

3 of these are finished and going
I have a weekend of baby pants, singlets and preemie hats ahead
then a week of work
then a weekend of frantic packing and procuring
then Paris
Knitting in New Zealand
These have gone
3 of these are finished and going
I have a weekend of baby pants, singlets and preemie hats ahead
then a week of work
then a weekend of frantic packing and procuring
then Paris
Some Knit Rangers are meeting up with KiwiChick this sunday morning at 10.30 outside Wild and Woolly, we'll have tea and cake and talk knitting, join us if you can!
Posted by
6:08 PM
Labels: Frasier, Friday round up, friends
Apparently Kate McCann's diary has been leaked to Portuguese "journalists", they have reported that she made entries like " looking after Madeline and the twins is exhausting" and "Jerry doesn't pull his weight with the chores" - damning stuff, obviously she did it, lock her up and throw away the key.
And while you are it you might as well lock up every other wife and mother.
Last night we had an enjoyable and entertaining dinner at my parent's house, my step-father is originally from Bray in Ireland, and in his position has forged firm sister city ties between our city and Galway, which led to Ursula Rani Sarma coming over for our annual literature festival "Going West", my parents rightly thought that our writer-in-residence Blaise would enjoy meeting Ursula, she definitely has a new mentor and friend, and we all had a wonderful evening - nice to stretch the brain and engage in thought-provoking conversation.
I discovered yesterday that I do indeed still have a job at least until early next year, my manager came to me to work out a time to do my annual review - I told her that my contract ends at the end of September and she laughed, and told me my review will be early October, that's a relief - I'm actually enjoying it.
Culture comes out West!! just kidding, there is plenty of culture out here, I discovered a tiny gelato and italian soda shop on the main street of Henderson yesterday, and when I decide I am allowed to eat sugar again I will be straight in there!
I had a cathartic experience at the hairdressers yesterday - not a common comment huh!
I have not had my hair cut since we came home, to cut a long story short the hairdresser asked why not - and I realised that it was a reaction to coming home to Auckland, that I was unhappy on the inside and it was showing on the outside, now I have grownup hair, and I've lost 5 kilos in the past couple of weeks - I'm feeling happier about everything and it is starting to show.
Knitting - work on my secret projects has been suspended while I make up orders for 2 shops (yay!) but I am really happy with how one of them has turned out - and just have the sewing up and weaving of ends to do, which I will probably do at Knit Rangers on sunday,all will be revealed soon.
Posted by
8:10 AM
Labels: Friday round up