Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Customs took pity on me this week, they released my Malabrigio on monday, and today I arrived home to this!

Fleece Artist merino sock yarn...I'll get you a bib.

Flash wasn't forgotten...Tuffy BIG sock yarn, for BIG socks.

Fleece Artist roving...cos I AM going to get better at spinning

oh, and a rock chick update - here is the hair, black underneath / red on top, I'm not afraid.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


this is one of my favourite pictures of Flash and I, you can't see our faces well, but you can see the love.

Friday, November 25, 2005

accidental tourist

I met Geri at Circular Quay, what joy! You know when you can just pick up where you left off, even though you haven't spoken for 6 months.
The day was warm but overcast, a perfect zoo day.
We caught the ferry and then rode the cablecar, the day was action packed already and it wasn't 10 o'clock yet!

We were delighted by the fact that many of the animals were awake and active (due to the weather) we ooohed and aahed, cooed, giggled and shrieked at the antic of the nocturnal marsupials, the platypus concerned us as he seemed stuck in an obsessive loop...or rather spin cycle, tumbling around and around in a mini waterfall.
The giraffes have the best view in the world, the harbour and Sydney skyline.

There was no knitting done, but I did show the tiger cub sock to the tiger, Opal have done well with the colours, very true to life.

Geri explored life as a desert fox

shes a good sport.

we wandered around for 6 hours, we TRIED to be systematic about it, but it didn't help that the map was upside-down! The free flight bird show was amazing, you MUST see it if you visit.

This is my favourite guy

the fishing cat, I love him.

Onwards to the Opera House, and the botanical gardens...Geri didn't know about the bats, who live in the trees...she does now! ( don't you love it when your friends get excited about silly things like bats too) a quick look at the Christmas tree in the QVB ( they need to re-think the lighting) and then home to pick up Flash, off the King St for dinner and a show...ok ok, just dinner, the show walks past the windows...I LOVE King St! we drank a bit too much, stumbled down the road for gelato, and then bundled Geri into a taxi ( yes I called to ensure she got home safe)

Today we are starting at the QVB, I don't know where we will end up, I do know it will be fun!

Anne, it sucks that you aren't here too,the three of us could have played at being "Charlies Angels" (circa 1970's)I miss you .

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

baby tiger socks

I have been somewhat remiss on the blog front lately, life has overwhelmed me again. The job is once again boring in its awfulness, my workmates are wonderful, we are three "sane inmates of the asylum" but I am amazed at how childish other so called "professional people" can be, and it is wearing. I used to work with victims of domestic abuse, and in a small way, I can relate, I have become so used to the bad behaviour that it almost seems normal. I had agreed to stay, but I can't see myself lasting much longer.

Holly is still here, which is wonderful, but the homesickness lingers, my Dad had a heart attack, thats what my Mum came to tell me...last week was rough, I just wanted to go home. He is fine, he has had an angioplasty, has the right drugs, a nutritionist working with him intensively, convincing him that it is ok to eat 6 meals a day!

However some things stay constant, sock knitting continues, albeit on a reduced scale...close your eyes Sharon!

on a more positive note, my friend Geri is arriving from NZ tomorrow, and I have thursday and friday off work! so we are going to spend a day at the zoo ( I am a zoo dawdler...the kids and Flash can't stand it...but Geri is the same as me) and a day hanging out, I'll take her to King St we can go shopping, eat noodles, drink coffee and talk and talk, I can show her the city I have a love/hate relationship with, and feel less homesick, and more connected. I don't think she knits...yet.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

please help (and a cupcake recipe)

Update: after googling for a while I discovered that this is called a flower iron, I can get a kit from the USA, but will hold off to see if anyone knows where I can get one in Aus.

Holly and I went to Broadway to finally send those parcels, and for her to drop her C.V. with any likely employers, and then went to town to visit Kinokuniya to buy that corsage book I have been thinking about. I can't read the words, but I can figure out the diagrams, the one thing I don't know is ...this, could someone please tell me what it is and where I can get one, I figure you paint the petals with size or starch,and then use this heated device to shape them...HELP please!!

the recipe for the cupcakes is here if you look around her site you will find some nice frostings too.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

whats up?

well lots and I still have no time! Mama has gone back to Auckland...and I am glad, why,well my Dad has had some health problems, and they thought it best not to tell me over the I kind of wanted Mum to go straight home to be with him, I miss her like all get out, I just want to go home,aarrggghhh!

On the weekend we visited Wentworth Falls, a worthy endeavour indeed, Flash has booked a B&B ( we have Holly here now...a built in babysitter!)
there, so we can do the actual hike to the falls soon, but here is a taster, lovely time with my Mama.

And then there is the day you come home from work and find out that your sweet baby has bought an electric guitar with her savings from the part time job, and become a Rock chick!

My Mum didn't warn me about this!

as I said, a busy week, yes there has been knitting progress, the Tiger socks are almost finished, and yes there will be post office visiting on my day off if you have the suspicion that you may be receiving a gift from me...start stalking the postie!

oh, and a big THANK YOU to Ozzie customs, my Handpainted yarn took 4 days to travel from Uruguay to Australia, and has sat waiting for clearance for 16 days!!!!

Sunday, November 13, 2005

a brief visit

with you is all that I can manage, Gordon's 86 year old Dad and his 70-something girlfriend were here with us for 10 days, we had 2 days alone, and then my Mama and eldest daughter Holly arrived from NZ on friday, yesterday I worked all day. I am knackered.

The 10 days were...difficult, as you can imagine, I am loathe to put too much into writing, but suffice is to say that I do not fit the expectations...I don't iron ( unless there is no way out of it) Flash and I are 50/50 on the housework, but he does most of his on the weekend, while mine is continuous, so he looks (and is ) impressive, running around with buckets and toilet cleaners, I cook during the week, he on the weekends (otherwise we wouldn't eat until 8 pm during the week) and I don't "show him enough respect"...gasp! everything I did was studied "what are you doing THET ( too broad kiwi accent for "that")for??" I came home from work one day about 1/2 way through and stopped outside my door, my heart pounding, my tummy flipping...and realised I was having a panic experience, but one I don't want to repeat. I behaved myself though, just ignored the comments and took a lot of deep breaths...there is no point arguing.
They have now moved on to stay with Flash's brother just outside of Sydney, they are happy their own words "H has foxtel", "H's wife doesn't work"...

And now I am spending a day with my Mum, not enough time by far, I am homesick again, it is great having Holly home again though, she will be here close to 3 months, plenty of Mummy/daughter time.
I will be back in a day or 2, plenty of other things have been going on, last thursday I spent the day buying goodies and making little packages up for 7 to get to the post office!

I will leave you with a picture of Blaise asleep with her teddy..."Uncle Doug" when she goes to bed she lies on her back, arms crossed on her chest, uncle doug securely tucked in underneath them, as she moves uncle doug remains constant, if she lies on her front, uncle doug is lying on her back...don't know how she manages it...the other thing I love is the way that she sleeps with her arm above her head, she did this in my tummy, and has slept like this every day of her life...

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


we compromised, half cherry, half vanilla, all frosted with pink meringue frosting, yummy!


Tagged by Donna

What is your all time favourite yarn to knit with?
A couple of weeks ago I would have said a nice DK Alpaca, but now it is definitely the Naturally Kid et Soie, so soft with a deep sheen, and not at all itchy.

Your favourite needles?
Depends on the yarn, clover bamboos, and circular addi turbos, my favourite sock needles of all time are a set of lime green plastic coated Inox 2mm.

The worst thing you've ever knit?
Hmmmm, a silver lycra bikini…but that was at Tech so experimentation was encouraged, a thick ankle length skirt in dark red DK…it ended up being a cat bed.

Your most favourite knit pattern? (maybe you don't like wearing it but it was the most fun to knit.
This jumper, from a picture drawn by Holly when she was about 6, so cute to see my kids wearing their own artwork.

Most valuable knitting technique
Definitely kitchener stitch, and knitting on dpns…cos it looks impressive!

Best knitting book or magazine?
Interweave is my favourite magazine

Your favourite knit-along?
Haven’t joined one yet, am afraid I would be able to keep up!

Favourite knitblogs?
There are too many, check out my blogroll

Favourite knitwear designer?
Kim Hargreaves is cool, and I like White Lies designs

The knit item that you wear the most. (how 'bout a picture of it?)
Recently it’s a toss up between knitted socks and my Imogen cardi, getting too hot now though.

No one, feel free to tag yourself!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

thank you

now that we are back to semi-normal on the broadband front, I have some people to thank

a cute postcard from my SP...a kiwi card sent from NZ...can't fathom that one, maybe she has been there on a trip recently! Thank you also for the inspiration in the form of the shade cards and various little booklets, they are sitting on the coffee table, making Flash nervous...every time I say "inspiration" he hears "money"!

Another cute card, this time from Shannon, so sweet, thank you.

Noro Aurora,(very yummy with areas wrapped with silk yarn) Opal Petticoat and Brazil ( a couple of balls of each for christmas socks...wonder if I'll have time) from Angel yarns.

and this from Donna! haven't had much luck yet, but I'm not giving up, I know practice makes perfect. Thank you so much Donna, this really is special.

we went to the markets this morning, bought these beautiful roses, loads of pink gerberas, and some stunning bird of paradise and grasses for the big vases.

hiding amongst the roses is the NZ Naturally Kid et Soie in the form of the Shadow box sock, page 66 of "Knit Socks" by Betsy Lee McCarthy, (and yes I did not want to buy this book because I find it's shape aesthetically displeasing - publishers please note) very luxurious lounging around the house considering going back for some more of this yarn, it is so yummy to work with that I didn't mind having to frogg it twice!

I have promised Blaise that we will make cupcakes this weekend, these are the ones she came back to me with... from the Martha Stewart websiteI was thinking of something a bit prettier, we will have to compromise...half animal, half flowery. I have soaked some dried cherries in cherry brandy, so I might put those in the pretty cupcakes, and the kids can have plain vanilla, keep everyone happy.

Thank you to everyone at Wollongong snb for making me feel so welcome as always, I have missed SSK, and will do so again next week as we are having a "training" day next saturday at work. My Mama and Holly arrive this friday, I am SO excited, (and not just about the Trelise Cooper designed pjs she is bringing me!)

I am sure there is so much I have left out, and I am sorry if you are one of the people who have emailed me about the patterns, thank you so much for all of your kind words, I will get to all of you soon.

and the big announcement is...

Winner 1 well, we all knew didn't has to be Sharon because in the words of the inimitable "House" she has a small person inside her.

Winner 2 Mary-Helen...Blaise pulled your name out of the hat!

thanks for entering my "soppy comp" as M-H called it - it's pretty obvious that family is number one!

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel "-Maya Angelou

okay I'm all soppied out now - watch for the postie!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


I haven't blogged because our phone cable was cut "1226 metres from the exchange" (which probably means in the Telecoms room on our floor) the phone has finally been re-instated, but beeps and buzzes while you are talking...the broadband isn't working at all, apparently someone is coming to look at it today, no need to look at it Telstra, just check your bloody cable!

This has been so frustrating, I have so much to say and show, but can 't on this 28k connection!
So I hope all is well, with everyone, and boy a lot of you are loving that fortune cat pattern, thank you so much for all the kind comments - wonderful to have the feedback.

Today is my thursday, once again I have a day off, have written my "to do" list, (and this week it does not include "knit a cropped lace cardi and then FELT it accidentally" like I did last week)

ah the Telstra guys here
take care