I have never seen a superwash wool take the colour like this merino from Tai Tapu, I'll be phoning for more in the morning. It is a light worsted/dk weight and still has that beautiful sheen through the colours.
This yarn is destined for my stall at The Luxury Markets at Auckland's Stamford Plaza hotel on May 27th, I will be selling the yarn and giving away some basic patterns - a baby beanie, a vest, maybe baby socks, so that the customers don't just walk off with 50grams of wool they will look at but never use (or they can just look at it - I don't mind!)
Having a stall at the luxury markets was all my Mama's idea, and after we had had a wander around, spent some money and had a coffee, she dragged me off to meet the organiser - good thing too, I am terrible at doing things like that.
"I saw a red tractor in a field of lavender"
there were many beautiful items for sale, jewellery, art, candles...the tables are all set up ready and waiting, and everyone dresses up in their nice frocks.
Flash and Mum are eager to man the stall, they are both enamoured of marketing and talking to the public, I'll stay in the background and stick to my knitting.
"smoked paprika"
these colours were a lot of fun, the colours aren't quite right on screen, but almost.
I'd like to dye more solid colours, but people rave about the "Rosamundi" colourway especially - I am tempted to call it "Favourite child" instead
"if I squashed blueberries onto white yarn..."
- If you haven't alreayd done so - go see Lara, and rejoice in her and Mark's fecundity!
- then go and congratulate Donni on the event of her 21st'st birthday
- Frasier has managed to break more precious items this week than my children have in their entire lives, I am toddler proofing the house.
- Flash is off to China on monday (our aniversary - as is traditional in our relationship, he is always overseas on our anniversary, and had a lovely time alone in Paris for our honeymoon)